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Case Study – Royal Australian College of GP

APPA Gold Award Winner – Promotional Product Innovation and Design – 2019

Client’s Objective

The client’s brief was to create a gift that would promote Australia, Australian culture, its natural wonders, and beauty. The promotional product must appeal to medical professionals and be something they would treasure. Support and tie into RACGP promotional video that would be shown at the conference, helping give Australia the chance to be on the international healthcare stage. RACGP also conveyed their requirement that the successful supplier must handle all the logistics to ensure the goods arrived at the conference venue in South Korea on time.


To help our client win the ‘Olympic bid’ of the health industry! In October 2018, RACGP submitted a bid to host the 2022 World Organisation of Family Doctors (Wonca) Conference. Their goal was to be the successful winning bid and bring the international conference to Australia. To help support their bid RACGP wanted an executive gift that would allow them to stand out from the other conference host contenders, something that would be memorable. This gift would be presented to Wonca delegates at their upcoming conference in South Korea.


We innovated, designed, sourced, and distributed a one-of-a-kind product, representing the highest possible quality to match our client’s prestigious brand, which perfectly complimented their brand objectives and marketing strategy. We helped our client achieve their goal of winning the bid to host the prestigious 2022 Wonca Conference in Australia, defeating competitive bids including London.

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