Unipromo wants you to #Switch2Good

Big changes are the result of many small acts. Seemingly insignificant actions can stir the future, open doors that we thought were shut forever, and change the game for those to come.

Social enterprises are businesses that exist to make the world a better place. Through thousands of small acts, they are changing the game.

When you choose social enterprise, you’re choosing a business that does good for the planet & its people.

Change the game to social enterprise. Change the world for the better.

Let’s make social enterprise business as usual. It’s time.



What if with a simple switch, you could make the world a better place?

Unipromo are in support of our national peak body, Social Enterprise Australia and the broader social enterprise sector in Australia to develop a national strategy.

Social Enterprise Australia and the national strategy will build momentum and infrastructure for:

Enabling Engagement and Connection

This will allow for pathways to be formed for people to join together and co-create concerning place, mission, and sector development. It will join up ongoing collaborations and activities, and will also foster new ones that the sector deems essential, including cross-sector and worldwide projects. This will allow for a unified direction and action.

Providing Knowledge and Learning

This will assist in the sharing and learning of information about social enterprise, and will also adjust to meet the requirements and interests of the sector. This will involve capturing data and knowledge from the sector, as well as shared evaluation. This is to ensure a real-time understanding of practice and impact, and to support decision-making.

Promoting Shared Direction and Action

This will direct a national strategy and work with other groups to increase public support, develop policy, expand markets, and mobilise resources. These tasks will be co-owned and designed by all those who back the sector’s vision, mission, values, and principles.

Social Enterprise Australia‘s vision is working together to ensure all people, places and the planet thrive.

Their mission is to foster a vibrant and connected Australian social enterprise sector that provides:

Environmental Care

People-centred Services

Access to Decent Work

Community-led Innovation